Request Prayer

God's Word encourages us to bring all our cares to God because he cares for us. That is why we encourage everyone to pray persistently. Our elders, staff, and prayer ministers also care for you and are ready to pray for you.

Share your prayer request through the submission button below, and partner in prayer with others as you read and pray for their requests below. If you would like to remain anonymous, please enter "Anonymous" as your First Name. If you prefer your request not be displayed publicly on the web page, please un-check "yes" to allow publication on the submission form.

July 25

Viola Cleo Bradshaw

Pray to stop the extermination of D. V. C. B. in Kingston Ontario by evil forces. Pray to set her free and S. a golden retriever.

July 25


Please pray for my son whose company is doing a job realignment. Pray that he gets to keep his job. He has a young family and financial responsibilities.

July 25


Marriage is facing challenges. We seek restoration of trust, deeper love, & a renewed commitment. Pray for strength, wisdom, & grace to forgive & rebuild. We need courage for open communication & soft hearts to understand & support one other.

Gather with other members of the body to sing praises, celebrate communion, exercise our spiritual gifts, pray for one another, and be taught from God’s Word.

July 23


Please pray --For my country Turkey, that all realize Jesus is the only way. --For my Turkish father T. who is 85, to get saved. --For G. who has violent psychotic episodes. --For a new project to protect children from trafficking

July 22


Prayer for our grandchildren and children. May God protect them always.

July 22


Special prayer for our daughter & grandson E May God help and show them favor during this difficult times. Please, I'm asking for prayer.

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July 22


Please, pray for my daughter as she is visiting with us. For healing, peace, and protection That she will know she is loved, and know where Jesus is, is her home. Thank you.

July 22


My name is F. I live in Sweden. Please pray for me to meet a woman God who wants me to love and marry her. Pray for miracles to happen in my life.

July 22


Pray for my husband J that he would have a personal encounter with Jesus and put the Lord first and listen to Jesus. That he would put the Lord first in our finances and honor our marriage. Pray that the Lord, would bless my husband's work.

July 22


Please pray that my grandson C. continues to fight off the complications of Congenital CMS. He is doing good on the antiviral medication. His eye scan was good. He had his brain scan yesterday. My daughter sees the infectious disease doctor on Wednesday.

July 21


Please pray for me. I lost my husband 2 wks ago due to a heatstroke. He was 48 yrs old. We were so blessed and loved each other so much. We don’t live in SA but would go to Oakhills when we did. We were there 2 wks ago. Please pray for me! I feel lost.

Prayer fuels our relationship with God and aligns us to his will.

July 21


Father, you are always good & faithful. Thank you for protecting & providing for my family. Thank you for working in my new job & fulfilling your promises. You are the God of new beginnings & second chances & comebacks. In Jesus name, I Pray. Amen

July 20

Wilson Andres

Please pray for K. J. M. C., so that the Lord may reveal himself deeply to her heart, and grant her in abundance of the gift of faith and justice, until her heart is filled with faith in Him and in the redemptive work of His blood. Amén

July 19


I have been a tech in radiology now for 42 yrs. Most recently at a surgical center. I witnessed a patient safety issue and spoke up and the nurses accused me of harassment and are trying to take my licensure away since I stood up for what is right.

July 19


I am having brain surgery this week and ask for God's strength to calm my fears to hep me make it through surgery and guide the Surgical team for a successful surgery.

Loving, Christ-centered help is available to anyone in need.

July 19


Kindly please pray for the healing of my schizophrenia illness, a hell suffered for almost 16 years now, especially the psychotic and distressing noise of cars constantly bearing down on me.

July 17


Please pray for the Lord to bless my son with a financial breakthrough so that he can afford to get married and buy a house.

July 16


Hello. Please I need urgent prayers for God's help. Please also pray that God sends me a husband. If anyone is willing please continue to pray for me that God help me. Thank you very much.

Express love for others daily through serving.

July 16


Please pray for the upcoming school year. I will be teaching 3rd grade & I would like to glorify Jesus in the workplace. Pray against anxiety and fear and for me to do an amazing job with my students.

July 15


Please pray for mom 's CT scan for lungs and blood test to be a good report and oxygen and breathing be so strong that she will be quickly transferred out of ICU to a normal room. Thank you.

July 14


Please pray for the Lord to put a hedge of protection around my family & myself and bless us with GOOD HEALTH, peace, and financial abundance. Please pray for the Lord to stop people's aggression towards me.

July 14


Please pray that god does a miracle in my life and helps put my mind and soul at ease. I am going through a divorce, have a recent DWI, and am pending eviction.

July 14


Gary leaves tomorrow to go to see his mom and stepdad in Florida. He is going to talk to them about their need for assisted care. They want to be close to us. Gary needs God's words wisdom and direction Pray protection over me and Gary not worry

Step into biblical community and let's follow Jesus together.

July 14


God, you are good always. Thank you for protection & provision to my family. We need your help, healing, strength, guidance and pardon. Thank you for working in my new job & fulfilling your promises by repaying for the lost years. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen

July 14


Please pray for K. She’s been battling cancer for over 10 years & her liver is failing. They’re not sure she’ll make it. Pray for healing, strength & peace for her & her family. Thank you

July 13


Healing for bells palsy on the left side of face, red rash on left hand and stress. Prayer for God to help me get rid of stomach fat and make my stomach flatter in Jesus Name. Amen. Thank you Jesus for weight loss and also God to help me.

July 13


Healing of bump inside of my skin on the right thigh. Pray for God to heal it and it goes away supernaturally and nothing serious is wrong. Praise God. Thank you Jesus

Uncover the riches of truth and wisdom found in Scripture.

July 13


Healing from acid reflux. Also pray for healing for my voice and throat. Acid reflux is causing nausea and bulimia. Pray that God heals me and my voice and for healing from the damage acid reflux has caused. Praise God

July 13

Andrew and Nicole

God to bless us with money to be able to travel and stay in luxurious hotels, eat the best and spread the gospel. Prayer that God block our enemies from holding us back and speaking curses over us that God won't bless us to travel and be blessed.

July 12


Dear Father God, Heavenly Father Thank You for your Grace, Goodness, Mercy, Forgiveness, LOVE, and Protection. Father God bless W R and M L. Father God bless us with your Amazing LOVE teach us how to LOVE your way. Enlarge our lives.

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