Join us in a 10-week series on following Jesus by embarking on a well-worn path of spiritual exercises. We will review spiritual formation through disciplines such as prayer, fasting, meditation, generosity, silence, gratitude, worship, and spiritual listening with an emphasis on how to study the Bible.
Schedule: Sundays at 10:30 AM (during second worship service)
Dates: Sunday, January 15 - March 19
Location: OHC - Bluebonnet Room
Teachers: Jeff and Sarah Henderson
Bibleland and Student Ministries (if needed): Bibleland and Student Ministries are available during the 10:30 AM service. For small children (3 months – Kinder), please let the teacher know if you need to check them in for both the 9 AM and 10:30 AM time. For older children and students, we suggest you attend service with your family at 9 AM and then attend class at 10:30 AM time.